Automatic roller garage doors operate efficiently with minimal maintenance. You only need to clean the tracks regularly, lubricate the moving parts and inspect the door annually. However, as the door ages, some defects may develop due to age-related wear and tear and poor maintenance. If these issues remain undetected for a long time, they can prevent the garage door from opening and closing properly. With this in mind, here are four defects to look for in your older garage door.

Misaligned tracks

A roller garage door has tracks on either side that guide the door when opening and closing. If the tracks get warped or deformed due to impact, they can prevent the rollers from gliding smoothly up and down the door. Severe track misalignment can hinder the door from moving past the deformed section, which causes the door to hang in midair. Therefore, if you accidentally hit one end of the garage door with your car or a heavy object, there's a chance the tracks are misaligned. You must realign the tracks to restore proper door operation.

Dented body frame

Roller doors are constructed from one piece of pleated steel. When you open the door, the metal sheet rolls up like a carpet to sit above the door opening. Therefore, the structural integrity of the metal sheet is crucial to the door's performance. If the body frame has deep dents, they can hinder the metal sheet from rolling properly. Fortunately, you can straighten out the dents to restore the door's operation. However, take care not to damage the door. Since the door has only one metal sheet, it's hard to repair the frame—your only choice will be to replace the entire door.

Unlubricated mechanical components

Garage door tracks, rollers, hinges and springs require lubrication to operate quietly. Lack of lubrication causes the metal parts to grind against each other, which causes unusual noises and premature wear and tear. Therefore, if your door is unusually loud or is making grinding or screeching sounds when opening or closing, it requires lubrication. Apply a high-quality silicone-based lubricant to the components to ensure smooth operation.

Worn garage door springs

A roller garage door has hidden springs that help to raise and lower the door. If the springs are worn, the door may jerk during operation or appear unbalanced. If the springs are worn, the door won't open, as there will be no force to facilitate the lift. Damaged springs can cause your door to collapse and injure people or damage equipment below it. Therefore, if you suspect the springs are faulty, do not open the door before replacing them.

Don't attempt DIY door repairs, especially if your garage door has damaged springs, as you could get injured. Instead, contact a garage door contractor for professional servicing and repairs.

For more information about maintaining roller doors, reach out to a local contractor.
